В начале недели США и Евросоюз обещают обнародовать новый список лиц "влиящих на банковский и энергетический сектор " в России против которых будут введен санкции в связи с событиями на Украине. Интересно узнать мнение форумчан о поименном составе этих лиц-предполагается что их будет 15 человек.. На сегодня персональные санкции введены против : 1 этап спикер Совета Федерации Валентина Матвиенко, вице-премьер-министр Дмитрий Рогозин, советник президента России Сергей Глазьев, помощник президента РФ Владислав Сурков, депутаты Госдумы РФ Елена Мизулина и Леонид Слуцкий, член Совета Федерации Андрей Клишас 2 этап Бушмин Евгений Викторович; г.р. 10 октября 1958; вице-спикер Совета Федерации России; Джабаров Владимир Михайлович; г.р. 29 сентября 1952; первый замглавы комитета по международным делам Совета Федерации; Фурсенко Андрей Александрович; г.р. 17 июля 1949; помощник президента России; Громов Алексей; г.р. 1960; первый замглавы Администрации президента России; Сергей Иванов; г.р. 31 января 1953; глава Администрации президента России; Иванов Виктор Петрович; г.р. 12 мая 1950; альт. г.р. 1952; Новгород; директор Федеральной службы Российской Федерации по контролю за оборотом наркотиков; Кожин Владимир Игоревич; г.р. 28 февраля 1959; Троицк, Челябинская область; управляющий делами президента Российской Федерации; Ковальчук Юрий Валентинович; г.р. 25 июля 1951; Санкт-Петербург; председатель совета директоров банка Россия; Миронов Сергей Михайлович; г.р. 14 февраля 1953; депутат Госдумы России, лидер партии Справедливая Россия; Нарышкин Сергей Евгеньевич; г.р. 27 октября 1954; Санкт-Петербург; председатель Госдумы Российской Федерации; Озеров Виктор Алексеевич; г.р. 5 января 1958; член Совета Федерации; Пантелеев Олег Евгеньевич; г.р. 21 июля 1952; член Совета Федерации; Ротенберг Аркадий; г.р. 15 декабря 1951; Санкт-Петербург; (российский предприниматель, друг Владимира Путина); Ротенберг Борис; г.р. 3 января 1957; Санкт-Петербург; (российский предприниматель, брат Аркадия Ротенберга); Рыжков Николай Иванович; г.р. 28 сентября 1929; член Совета Федерации; Сергун Игорь Дмитриевич; г.р. 28 марта 1957; генерал-лейтенант, начальник Главного разведывательного управления (ГРУ) Генштаба Вооруженных Сил РФ; Тимченко Геннадий; г.р. 9 ноября 1952; миллиардер, совладелец нефтяного трейдера Gunvor, Член совета директоров ОАО Новатэк; акционер ОАО АБ Россия ; Тотунов Александр Борисович; г.р. 3 марта 1957; член Совета Федерации; Якунин Владимир; г.р. 30 июня 1948; (президент ОАО Российские железные дороги); Железняк Сергей Владимирович; г.р. 30 июля 1970; вице-спикер Госдумы России. ОАО Акционерный банк Россия.
123458 пишет: Иванов Виктор Петрович; г.р. 12 мая 1950; альт. г.р. 1952; Новгород; директор Федеральной службы Российской Федерации по контролю за оборотом наркотиков;
Он что, не уверен, в каком году родился? :o
А по новым кандидатурам - так кто у нас влияет на банковский сектор? ;) Главы Сбера, ВТБ, ВЭБа и ЦБ. ;) Можно ещё ради смеха добавить глав тех банков, которые открывают отделения в Крыму (или закрывают на Украине). Так что Генбанк попал. :D
Предварительный вариант: Костин (ВТБ) , Дмитриев (ВЭБ), Акимов(Газпромбанк) , Патрушев (РСХБ) почему -то мне кажется что Набиулина и Греф в список не попадут Миллер (Газпром ) Сечин(Роснефть ),Богданов (Сургутнефтегаз),Дюков(Гапромнефть),Токарев (Транснефть) про Алекперова(Лукойл) и Михельсона (Новатек ) не уверен.
дай пишет: тут уже была тема, где Times высказала предположения относительно нового списка
Да я видел эту стаью .НО 1. Там нет ни одной фамилии 2. Речь шла о вероятном ( в случае ввода российских войск на Украину) списке, а я веду речь о практичсеки уже решенном вопросе , списке 28-29 апреля не обусловленном никакими дополнительными действиями.(Тот о котором договорилась семерка и который завтра будут утверждать на экстренном совещании Евросоюза.
Ротенберги отмазались от прошлого списка - практически ни в одном их предприятии ни у одного нет больше 50% в отличии от предприятий какого-нибудь Тимченко. В связи с этим есть смысл пополнить список OFAC организациями типа СМП Банка. Или даже Мостотрестом (хоть доля Ротенбергов там и невелика).
1611949 пишет: Ещё Фридмана туда.Верховная рада заподозрила Альфа-Банк в антиукраинской деятельности
этого обязательно- как это в списке на кого наложены санкции тех у кого всё хорошо (было и будет) и нет фридмана
123458 пишет: мне кажется что Набиулина и Греф в список не попадут....про Алекперова(Лукойл) и Михельсона (Новатек )не уверен.
думаете испугаются что нетолерантно получится с нацменами? ... или агенты Госдепа?
я вот думаю что каждый честный граждан- патриот и преданный путенец не только может, но и обязан стремится оказаться в этом списке.... иначе могут возникнуть подозрения
Насилие оптимизма над здравым смыслом рождает иллюзию избранности и пещерный патриотизм. Долгосрочный прогноз
АИА пишет: этого обязательно- как это в списке на кого наложены санкции тех у кого всё хорошо (было и будет) и нет фридмана
Мне кажется он вполне может войти в список.
АИА пишет: думаете испугаются что нетолерантно получится с нацменами?
Скорее потому, что не захотят включать в список лиц, которые не сильно поддерживают эту авантюру. Конечно ничего против они не говорят, но и чепчики в воздух ( в отличие от многих других) не бросают.
Treasury Sanctions Russian Officials, Members Of The Russian Leadership’s Inner Circle, And An Entity For Involvement In The Situation In Ukraine
Sanctions Target Russian Government Officials, the Inner Circle that Supports Them, and Bank Rossiya, the Personal Bank for Officials of the Russian Federation
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today designated sixteen Russian government officials, members of the Russian leadership’s inner circle, including a Russian bank pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13661, which was signed by President Obama on March 16, 2014. E.O. 13661 authorizes sanctions on, among others, officials of the Russian Government and any individual or entity that is owned or controlled by, that has acted for or on behalf of, or that has provided material or other support to, a senior Russian government official.
The sixteen individuals being sanctioned as Russian government officials are: Viktor Ozerov, Vladimir Dzhabarov, Evgeni Bushmin, Nikolai Ryzhkov, Sergei Zheleznyak, Sergei Mironov, Aleksandr Totoonov, Oleg Panteleev, Sergey Naryshkin, Victor Ivanov, Igor Sergun, Sergei Ivanov, Alexei Gromov, Andrei Fursenko, Vladimir Yakunin, and Vladimir Kozhin
Those being designated for acting for or on behalf of or materially assisting, sponsoring, or providing financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, a senior official of the Government of the Russian Federation are: Gennady Timchenko, Arkady Rotenberg, Boris Rotenberg, Yuri Kovalchuk and Bank Rossiya. In addition to being designated for providing material support to Russian government officials, Bank Rossiya is also being designated for being controlled by designated inner circle member Kovalchuk.
“With its currency near an all-time low, its stock market down twenty percent this year and a marked rise in interest rates, Russia has already started to bear the economic costs of its unlawful effort to undermine Ukraine’s security, stability, and sovereignty,” said Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David S. Cohen. “As President Obama has made clear, we will continue to impose costs in direct response to Russia’s provocative acts, even as we have made clear there is a path to de-escalate the situation in Ukraine that respects Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and takes account of Russia’s legitimate interests.”
Russian Government Officials and Members of the Inner Circle:
Government Officials
The following sixteen individuals are being designated because they are officials of the Russian government. Although not the basis for the designation, several are also very close advisors to senior Russian government officials.
Viktor Ozerov is the Chairman of the Security and Defense Committee of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. On March 1, 2014, Ozerov supported Russian President Vladimir Putin’s appeal regarding the use of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine.
Vladimir Dzhabarov is the First Deputy Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. On March 1, 2014, Dzhabarov supported the Putin’s appeal regarding the use of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine.
Evgeni Bushmin is the Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. On March 1, 2014, Bushmin publicly supported the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.
Nikolai Ryzhkov is a Senator in the Russian Upper House of Parliament (Federation Council). Ryzhkov publicly supported the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.
Sergei Zheleznyak is the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
Sergei Mironov is a Member of the Council of the State Duma, a Member of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services, and Leader of the Fair Russia Faction in the Duma of the Russian Federation.
Aleksandr Totoonov is a Member of the Committee on Culture, Science, and Information, Federation Council of the Russian Federation. On March 1, 2014, Totoonov publicly supported the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.
Oleg Panteleev is the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Parliamentary Issues. On March 1, 2014, Panteleev publicly supported the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.
Sergey Naryshkin has been the Chairman of the Government Duma of the Federal Gathering of the Russian Federation since December, 2011. Additionally, he is a member of the National Security Council of the Russian Federation and of the United Russia party.
Victor Ivanov has been director of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) of the Russian Federation since May 15, 2008; he was appointed as a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on May 25, 2008. Ivanov has served in a number of other government positions prior to that; he was Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation from 2004 - 2008; and Deputy Chief of the Administration of the Russian Federation from 2000 - 2004. Ivanov joined the KGB in 1977 and eventually rose to become the Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service. Ivanov is a close ally of Putin and served alongside Putin as the chief of staff of the St. Petersburg Mayor’s office in 1994 when Putin was first deputy head of the city’s administration.
Igor Sergun is the head of Russia’s military intelligence service (GRU) and is Deputy Chief of the General Staff.
Sergei Ivanov is the Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office.
Alexei Gromov is the First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office.
Andrei Fursenko is an aide to the President of the Russian Federation and has been in that position since May 21, 2012. Fursenko has held a number of positions in the Government of the Russian Federation since 2001, including Minister of Education and Science from 2004 - 2012. Although not being designated for being a member of the Russian leadership’s inner circle, Fursenko first met Putin in 1993 and they remain closely associated.
Vladimir Yakunin was appointed as chairman of the board of the Russian state-owned company Russian Railways on June 15, 2005; he has remained as head of the company ever since. Yakunin is being designated because of his official position in the Russian government, but he is also a close confidant of Putin. Yakunin regularly consults with Putin on issues regarding the Russian Railways company. In addition, Yakunin accompanies Putin on many domestic and international visits. Yakunin met Putin while both were working in St. Petersburg. Yakunin decided to create a business center in the city and contacted Putin for his support. In addition, Yakunin became a member of the board of the Baltic Maritime Steamship Company on Putin’s instructions. Yakunin and Putin were also neighbors in the elite dacha community on the shore of Lake Komsomolsk and they served as cofounders of the Ozero Dacha Cooperative in November 1996.
Vladimir Kozhin was appointed the Head of Administration under the President of the Russian Federation by Putin on January 21, 2000. He has served continuously in that position until the present time. Kohzin is responsible for overseeing a staff of 60,000, over a hundred enterprises and institutions including the Kremlin and several other government buildings, and over four thousand vehicles. Kohzin’s positions have been variously referred to as Head of Administration, Head of the Presidential Affairs Office, Head of the Presidential Business Management Directorate of the Russian Federation, and head of the Presidential Property Management Directorate.
Members of the Inner Circle
The following individuals are being designated because each is controlled by, has acted for or on behalf of, or has provided material or other support to, a senior Russian government official. Gennady Timchenko is one of the founders of Gunvor, one of the world’s largest independent commodity trading companies involved in the oil and energy markets. Timchenko’s activities in the energy sector have been directly linked to Putin. Putin has investments in Gunvor and may have access to Gunvor funds.
Arkady Rotenberg and Boris Rotenberg have provided support to Putin’s pet projects by receiving and executing high price contracts for the Sochi Olympic Games and state-controlled Gazprom. They have made billions of dollars in contracts for Gazprom and the Sochi Winter Olympics awarded to them by Putin. Both brothers have amassed enormous amounts of wealth during the years of Putin’s rule in Russia. The Rotenberg brothers received approximately $7 billion in contracts for the Sochi Olympic Games and their personal wealth has increased by $2.5 billion in the last two years alone.
Yuri Kovalchuk is the largest single shareholder of Bank Rossiya and is also the personal banker for senior officials of the Russian Federation including Putin. Kovalchuk is a close advisor to President Putin and has been referred to as one of his “cashiers.”
The following entity is being designated because it is controlled by, has acted for or on behalf of, or has provided material or other support to, senior Russian government officials.
Bank Rossiya (ОАО АБ РОССИЯ) is the personal bank for senior officials of the Russian Federation. Bank Rossiya’s shareholders include members of Putin’s inner circle associated with the Ozero Dacha Cooperative, a housing community in which they live. Bank Rossiya is also controlled by Kovalchuk, designated today. Bank Rossiya is ranked as the 17th largest bank in Russia with assets of approximately $10 billion, and it maintains numerous correspondent relationships with banks in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere. The bank reports providing a wide range of retail and corporate services, many of which relate to the oil, gas, and energy sectors.
As a result of Treasury’s action, any assets of the persons designated today that are within U.S. jurisdiction must be frozen. Additionally, transactions by U.S. persons or within the United States involving the individuals and entity designated today are generally prohibited.
Identifying Information
Name: Viktor Alekseevich Ozerov DOB: January 5, 1958 POB: Abakan, Khakassia, Russia Title: Chairman of the Security and Defense Committee of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation
Name: Vladimir Michailovich Dzhabarov AKA: Vladimir Dzhabarov DOB: September 29, 1952 Title: First Deputy Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation
Name: Evgeni Viktorovich Bushmin AKA: Evgeny Bushmin AKA: Yevgeny Bushmin DOB: October 10, 1958 POB: Lopatino, Sergachiisky Region, Russia Title: Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation
Name: Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov AKA: Nikolai Ryzhkov DOB: September 28, 1929 POB: Duleevka, Donetsk Region, Ukraine Title: Member of the Committee for Federal Issues, Regional Politics and the North of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Title: Senator in the Russian Upper House of Parliament
Name: Sergei Vladimirovich Zheleznyak AKA: Sergei Zheleznyak AKA: Sergey Zheleznyak DOB: July 30, 1970 POB: Saint Petersburg, Russia Title: Deputy Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation
Name: Sergei Mikhailovich Mironov AKA: Sergei Mironov DOB: February 14, 1953 POB: Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia Title: Member of the Council of the State Duma, Member of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services, and Leader of the Fair Russia Faction in the Duma of the Russian Federation
Name: Aleksandr Borisovich Totoonov AKA: Alexander B. Totoonov AKA: Alexander Totoonov DOB: March 3, 1957 POB: Ordzhonikidze, North Ossetia, Russia POB: Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, Russia Title: Member of the Committee on Culture, Science, and Information, Federation Council of the Russian Federation
Name: Oleg Evgenevich Panteleev AKA: Oleg Panteleev DOB: July 21, 1952 POB: Zhitnikovskoe, Kurgan Region, Russia Title: First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Parliamentary Issues
Name: Sergey Yevgenyevich Naryshkin AKA: Sergei Naryshkin DOB: October 27, 1954 POB: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Name: Victor Petrovich Ivanov AKA: Viktor Ivanov DOB: May 12, 1950 alt. DOB: 1952 POB: Novgorod, Russia
Name: Igor Dmitrievich Sergun DOB: March 28, 1957 Title: Lieutenant General; Chief of the Main Directorate of the General Staff (GRU), Deputy Chief of the General Staff
Name: Sergei Ivanov AKA: Sergey Ivanov DOB: January 31, 1953 POB: Saint Petersburg, Russia Title: Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office
Name: Alexei Gromov DOB: 1960 POB: Zagorsk (Sergiev, Posad), Moscow Region, Russia Title: First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Title: Presidential Administration Deputy Chief of Staff Title: First Deputy Presidential Chief of Staff
Name: Andrei Alexandrovich Fursenko AKA: Andrei Fursenko AKA: Andrey Fursenko DOB: July 17, 1949 POB: Saint Petersburg, Russia Title: Aide to the President of the Russian Federation
Name: Vladimir Ivanovich Yakunin DOB: June 30, 1948 POB: Zakharovo Village, Gus-Khrustalnyy Rayon, Vladimir Oblast, Russia alt. POB: Melenki, Vladimir Oblast, Russia
Name: Arkady Rotenberg DOB: December 15, 1951 POB: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Name: Boris Rotenberg DOB: January 3, 1957 POB: Saint Petersburg Russia
Name: Yuri Valentinovich Kovalchuk AKA: Yury Valentinovich Kovalchuk DOB: July 25, 1951 POB: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Name: Bank Rossiya FKA: Aktsionerny BANK Russian Federation Address: 2 Liter A Pl. Rastrelli, Saint Petersbrug, 191124, Russia E-mail: bank@abr.ru Web Site: www.abr.ru SWIFT/BIC: ROSY RU 2P
123458 пишет: Мне кажется он вполне может войти в список.
большая часть населения страны от этого точно не расстроятся.
123458 пишет: Скорее потому, что не захотят включать в список лиц, которые не сильно поддерживают эту авантюру. Конечно ничего против они не говорят, но и чепчики в воздух ( в отличие от многих других) не бросают.
хех.... Кожин с Тимченко тож наверное не шибко прыгали. да и в глазах мадам спикера я с самого начала истории как-то не уловил патриотического подъема, она выглядела откровенно расстроенной. на самом деле мы же с Вами отлично понимаем для кого предназначен этот список (как счас принято говорить- сигнал)- тут амеры не проявили креативность, а воспользовались рецептом БАБа. думаю они и далее будут действовать в том же ключе, ведь чтобы применить именно экономические санкции (кроме обрезания в сфере финансов) сначала надо РФ из ВТО выгнать. что касается означенных персон, то санкции против них не прибавят ничего в смысле давления на царя, с другой стороны- осложнят бизнес-взаимодействия и вызовут недоумение, т.к. оные лица считаются прогрессивной частью российского социума
Насилие оптимизма над здравым смыслом рождает иллюзию избранности и пещерный патриотизм. Долгосрочный прогноз
Неплохие шансы налететь есть и у А Усманова ( всякие активы , в том числе много медиа) , С Чемезова( Рособоронэкспорт и Ростех) и Г Рапоты (Росвооружение)
1611949 пишет: Ну что же, теперь руководство должно ещё открыть счета в СМП, ИнвестКапиталБанке и Собинбанке.
тогда можно порекомендовать банкам Софрино, Огни Москвы, 1Республиканскому и Навигаторы обратится в Госдеп США с просьбой о включении в санкционные списки .
Oleg Belavantsev was appointed Russia’s Presidential Envoy to Crimea on March 21, 2014, by President Putin.
Sergei Chemezov was appointed by a presidential decree on November 26, 2007 as the Director General of the State Corporation for Promoting Development, Manufacturing and Export of Russian Technologies High-Tech Industrial Products, also known as Rostec. Rostec is a Russian state-owned holding company and has not been sanctioned. Chemezov is a trusted ally of President Putin, whom he has known since the 1980s when they lived in the same apartment complex in East Germany. Sergei Chemezov was one of the Russian Government’s nominees for the Board of Directors of Rosneft, a Russian state-owned oil company. He was selected for the Rosneft Board on June 20, 2013.
Dmitry Kozak is a Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, a position that he has held since October 2008, and to which he was reappointed by presidential decree in May 2012. Kozak has served in a number of capacities in the Russian Federation since 1999, including as Chief of the Government Staff and Minister of Regional Development.
Evgeniy Murov is the Director of Russia’s Federal Protective Service and an Army General. Murov has worked in Russian state security services since 1971 and became Head and Director of the Federal Protective Service in May 2000.
Aleksei Pushkov has been a Deputy of the State Duma since December 4, 2011. He is also the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.
Igor Sechin is the President and Chairman of the Management Board for Rosneft, Russia’s leading petroleum company, and one of the world’s largest publicly-traded oil companies. Rosneft is a state-owned company and has not been sanctioned. Sechin was formerly the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation fr om 2008 until 2012. Additionally, from 2004 until 2008, Sechin was the Deputy Chief of Staff for President Putin. Sechin has shown utter loyalty to Vladimir Putin - a key component to his current standing.
Vyacheslav Volodin is the First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to move into Crimea is believed to have been based on consultations with his closest advisors, including Volodin.
The following entities are being designated because they are owned or controlled by persons (either individuals or entities) whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to E.O. 13661.
InvestCapitalBank and SMP Bank are controlled by Arkady and Boris Rotenberg who were designated on March 20, 2014 pursuant to E.O. 13661 for acting for or on behalf of or materially assisting, sponsoring, or providing financial, material, or technological support for, or goods and services to or in support of, a senior official of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Stroygazmontazh (SGM Group) is a gas pipeline construction company owned or controlled by Arkady Rotenberg. Rotenberg created SGM Group in 2008 after acquiring multiple Gazprom contractors.
The Volga Group is being designated for being owned or controlled by Gennaddy Timchenko. Timchenko was designated on March 20, 2014 pursuant to E.O. 13661 for acting for or on behalf of or materially assisting, sponsoring, or providing financial, material, or technological support for, or goods and services to or in support of, a senior official of the Government of the Russian Federation. Timchenko is the sole shareholder of the Volga Group, an investment strategy group that holds interest in a variety of assets on behalf of Timchenko.
Transoil is a Russia-based rail freight operator that specializes in the transportation of oil and oil products. Transoil is designated for being owned or controlled by the Volga Group and Timchenko.
Aquanika (Russkoye Vremya LLC) is a Russia-based mineral water and soft drink company. Aquanika is being designated because it is owned or controlled by the Volga Group and Timchenko. Aquanika produces drinks under several trade names including Aquanika.
Sakhatrans LLC is a transportation company engaged in the construction of the bulk terminal for coal and iron ore exports in Muchka Bay near Vanino in Russia’s far east. Sakhatrans LLC is designated for being owned or controlled by the Volga Group and Timchenko.
Avia Group LLC is involved in ground infrastructure for the Business Aviation Center at Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow offering aircraft maintenance services, including aircraft storage and organization support services for flight operations. Avia Group LLC is designated for being owned or controlled by the Volga Group and Timchenko.
Avia Group Nord LLC provides management services for corporate aviation at Pulkovo International Airport in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Avia Group Nord LLC is designated for being owned or controlled by the Volga Group and Timchenko.
Stroytransgaz Holding is a holding company for construction assets. Stroytransgaz Holding is designated for being owned or controlled by the Volga Group and Timchenko.
Stroytransgaz Group is a Russian construction group, comprising a number of business entities that specialize in different aspects of the construction industry. Stroytransgaz Group is designated for being owned or controlled by the Volga Group and Timchenko.
Stroytransgaz OJSC is an electricity construction company. Stroytransgaz OJSC is designated for being owned or controlled by the Stroytransgaz Group, the Volga Group, and Timchenko.
Stroytransgaz-M LLC is an industrial construction company focused on oil, gas, petrochemical, and other civil engineering projects. Stroytransgaz-M LLC is designated for being owned or controlled by the Stroytransgaz Group, the Volga Group, and Timchenko.
Stroytransgaz LLC is an infrastructure construction company. Stroytransgaz LLC is designated for being owned or controlled by the Stroytransgaz Group, the Volga Group, and Timchenko.
The Lim ited Liability Company Investment Company Abros is owned or controlled by Bank Rossiya. Bank Rossiya was designated on March 20, 2014 pursuant to E.O. 13661 for acting for or on behalf of or materially assisting, sponsoring, or providing financial, material, or technological support for, or goods and services to or in support of, a senior official of the Government of the Russian Federation. Bank Rossiya was also designated for being owned or controlled by Yuri Kovalchuk, who was designated on March 20, 2014 pursuant to E.O. 13661.
CJSC Zest is being designated for being owned or controlled by Bank Rossiya.
JSB Sobinbank is being designated for being owned or controlled by Bank Rossiya. Физ лиц мало , а организаций много . Предположения не подтвердились.