The Bank of Russia has cancelled effective October 14, 2011 a banking license held by Noyabrskneftecombank (Registration No. 2274, based in Noyabrsk), the PR department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation reported.
“The license was cancelled on the basis of Article 23 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activity” as the lending institutions authorized body made a decision to terminate the banks activities through the winding-up pursuant to Article 61 of the Civil Code of Russia and submitted a relevant request to the Bank of Russia," the Bank of Russia said in a press release. Taking into account data provided by the lender, the lending institution holds sufficient assets to meet creditor claims.
Noyabrskneftecombank is a member of the national deposit insurance system. The revocation of a banking license is considered an insured event provided for in the Federal Law “On Insuring Household Deposits Held at Banks of the Russian Federation”.
Based on data, as of September 1, 2011 the lenders net assets stood at Rub 990 mln (No. 715 in Russia), capital (calculated in line with CBR requirements) totaled Rub 390 mln, the credit portfolio amounted to Rub 90 mln and obligations to households equaled Rub 510 mln.