PRIME-TASS. Ilka Salonen from Renaissance Capital and Alexander Bazarov from Deutsche Bank are to move to Sberbank, a source close to the lending institutions supervisory board told the news agency.
Ilka Salonen is to become Sberbanks deputy board chairman and will be in charge of the retail division, while Bazarov will be appointed executive board member and director of the corporate division, the same source said. Sberbanks supervisory board should approve these candidatures on Monday.
Before appointment as president of Renaissance Asset Management Group last February Ilka Salonen acted within 8 years as executive board chairman at International Moscow Bank. Before this he worked for the Bank of Finland, Kansallis-Osake-Pankki Bank, where he was responsible for making economic forecasts and market monitoring, and also ran the Baltic division at MeritaNordbanken.
Alexander Bazarov was hired to run the customer relations department for Russia and CIS at Deutsche Banks Russian subsidiary in April 2008. Earlier he was head of Deutsche Banks representative office in Ukraine.