PRIME-TASS. Baikalbank, based in Ulan-Ude, reported a 39.9% y-
Compared to Q108 the lender’s assets climbed by 16.6% and reached Rub 3.61 bln as of April 1, 2009, whereas net debt soared 51.9% y-
Against January-March 2008 lending institutions resources shrank threefold to Rub 120.74 mln, funds of clients (non-lending institutions) grew 11.3% to Rub 2.44 bln, client deposits rose 12.9% to Rub 1.79 bln, issued debt obligations shot up 8.3 times to Rub 96.96 mln. As of April 1, 2009 the banks total liabilities amounted to Rub 3.10 bln, i.e. 18.9% more against as of April 1, 2008.
Baikalbank was registered by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in December 1993 and is the only independent bank in the Republic of Buryatia.