Мне пришли письма следующего образца от City Bank United Kingdom,следует ли им верить?
Box 1010
Liverpool,L70 1NL,London< /span>
United Kingdom.
This email is in line with the winning notification you received earlier.
On behalf of all 2010 Committee Members of the United Kingdom International Awareness Promotion, I say a big congratulation to you.
I must say that you should count yourself extremely lucky to have emerged as one of our Winners in this years United Kingdom lucky deep sweepstakes.
I happily announce to you the draw (#1167) of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY,online Sweepstakes I nternational program.
Your e-mail address (natalka2778@rambler.ru)
which was randomly selected from a wide range of personal and cooperate bodies email address by a computerized email extraction ballot machine was attached to ticket number: 56475600545188 with Serial number 5368/02 drew the lucky numbers: 04 10 21 22 25 38 31(Bonus ball) which subsequently won you the lottery in the 1st category i.e. match 6 plus bonus.
You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of 250,000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds Sterling) in check credited to file XYL/26510460037/05. This is from a total cash prize of 1,000,000.00 (One Million Pounds Sterlings) shared amongst the Four (4) lucky winners in this category i.e. match 6 plus bonus.
We have finally verified your winnings and its exactly the same wit h what is present on our Database.
Due to your Location from the International Prize Award Board UK, your won check has been deposited with Citibank United Kingdom. You are to contact the International Remittance/Transfer officer in charge in order for you to have your World Bank certified check transferred to your local account.
Below is his contact information:
Citibank United Kingdom
Name: Mr. David Mares
EMAIL: citibnkintluk@msn.com
TEL: (+44) 702 402 3380
It is imperative that you add your Serial Number 5368/02 as the subject of any correspondence with the Bank to ensure they respond in a timely manner.
I will require a concise update on proceedings with the Bank as soon as you contact them and all winning information should be kept strictly confidential and third parties are not allowed in the claim of prize. This is part of our security measures to avoid double claims, imposters and misappropriation of funds.
Have a nice day and once more, Congratulations.
Bar. Harry Raymond (BSA)
и еще одно письмо
Office of the International Transfer and Remittance Officer
Mr. David Mares
Citibank Plc London.
Citigroup Centre, 25 Canada Square,
Canary Wharf, London, E14 5LB.
United Kingdom.
TELEPHONE: +44 702 402 3380
ATTENTION: Denesenko Natalya Andreevna
Serial Number: 5368/02
How are you doing? This office is in receipt of your email and the content was well noted.
We understand that you have chosen the 24 HOURS TRANSFER OPTION for transfer of your funds to your Account in Uzbekistan.
You are to follow the instructions in this email to make the required payment for the COST OF TRANSFER of your chosen option which is $550 USD Dollars in order for this noble Bank to transfer your funds to your account in the next 24 Hours.
Be sure your that your stated ACCOUNT DETAILS is correct to avoid any complication in the course of the transfer.
For fast and easy confirmation of your payment, you are to make the payment for the COST OF TRANSFER through the 24 hours and 7 days money transfer service provider (WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER).
You are to make the payment with the information below to our accountant via any WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER outlet closest to you
The address and name of our account officer is below:
NAME: MRS. KAREN POWELL (Chief Financial Officer)
ADDRESS: 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5LB.
After which a payment reciept will be given to you.You are to send the payment details to this office via email which must include the following.
Upon receipt of the above information from you, we will immediately commence process of transfer of your funds. Note that your funds transfer will be completed in 24 Hours.
So, as soon as you get this email I will advise you make the payment early because of the time differences between United Kingdom and Uzbekistan to enable this bank commence the transfer of your funds immediately.
Important note:
All information about your won funds and its transfer should be kept strictly personal even at payment centre. Because if any other person is to write this office and state your serial number you will be automatically disqualified.This is one of our security measure in order to avoid transfering your funds to the wrong person.
We await your prompt response in order to proceed with the transfer process without delay.
Congratulations on behalf of this noble Bank.
David Mares.
Citibank plc.
Citigroup Centre, 25 Canada Square,
Canary Wharf, London, E14 5LB
Authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
This E-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you are not the addressee you may not copy, forward, disclose or use any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return E-mail. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.
Ситибанк не проводит каких-либо кампаний для физических лиц, не являющихся клиентами Ситибанка.
Рекомендуем Вам не отвечать на подобные подозрительные письма, полученные на Вашу электронную почту. Предоставленная Вами информация была передана в службу безопасности Ситибанка.
Если вы будете получать подозрительные e-mail от имени Ситибанка или Ситигруп, просим Вас пересылать их на следующий адрес: security.ru@citigroup.com.
С уважением,
Старший специалист отдела по обслуживанию частных клиентов операционного управления
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